Case Shares
Diagnosis and Treatment of Chondrosarcoma Tumor
Chondrosarcoma is a malignant tumor which originates from cartilage. X-ray, MRI and Computed Tomography(if needed) is enough for diagnosis. Biopsy is needed for certain diagnosis and grading of the disease. Furthermore, existance of metastasis should be searched by body scan for the staging of the cancer. The treatment of the Chondrosarcoma is the wide resection by surgery. Cure is possible by appropriate biopsy and appropriate surgery(negative surgical margin; wide resection). Inapropriate biopsy and surgery may lead to decrease the chance of cure. All tumors should be accepted as malignant up to the point where it is proved otherwise. Here you see the preoperative and postoperative x-ray of the patient who has chondrosarcoma of the scapula. Early diagnonis and apropriate treatment save the life.