Case Shares
Recovery of Cancerous Bone with the Hot-Dog method
The Hot-Dog method is one of the most successful current surgical techniques that provides the recovery of cancerous bone in bone cancers. After the cancerous bone is removed extensively, it undergoes certain procedures and is freed from all living cells by freezing in -273 degrees of liquid nitrogen with the appropriate technique. This bone, which has become a lifeless tissue, is passed through a vascular fibula (shin bone) to revive it. So it is compared to hot dog bread. In this surgery, where the patient’s own bone is transplanted, the viability of the fibula taken using the microsurgical technique is preserved. If this method, which has many advantages over reconstruction with the prosthesis, is applied successfully, the patient will both get rid of cancer and use the limb as before.
I remember with respect and gratitude my precious master Harzem Özger, who contributed a lot to me in being master on this issue, and all my masters who have contributed to me.

Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Ewing Sarcoma

Total Hip Replacement

Internal Hemipelvectomy is one of the biggest operations of the Orthopedic Oncology.

Recovery of Cancerous Bone with the Hot-Dog method

Diagnosis and Treatment of Chondrosarcoma Tumor

Pathological Fracture

Intercalar Prosthesis Application

Fibrous Dysplasia