Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji
Hip Prosthesis
30 December 2022, Friday
Hip calcification in other words coxarthrosis is a disease causing corrosion of joint cartilage due to age, biologic factors and mechanical factors. The most common reason of hip pain is coxarthrosis. It is usually encountered in mid or advanced ages.
Prosthesis Surgery
30 December 2022, Friday
Prosthesis surgery aims to increase the activity and quality of life of patient who has pain and deformity due to disease. Worn out deformed joint surfaces are removed and biomechanical material are used to form a joint.
Deformity Surgery
30 December 2022, Friday
The curvatures and dysmorphism in bones are called deformities. Bone and extremity deformities can form due to developmental bone disorders, congenital diseases and trauma. These deformities can cause limited range of motion and impair quality of life.
Bone lengthening operations
30 December 2022, Friday
Knee Prosthesis
30 December 2022, Friday
Osteoarthritis the other name for knee calcification is defined as wearing of the knee joint. It is the most common joint diseases. It is more common in women and increases with age. Osteoarthritis causing pain with movement and this impairs the patient’s life quality with time.
Bone lengthening operations
30 December 2022, Friday